We’d like to take a moment to celebrate our Pre-K program. Every year our Pre-K classrooms are evaluated by the DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) for quality and effectiveness using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System® (CLASS®). The system provides scores based on three primary domains: Emotional Support, Classroom Organization, and Instructional Support. The chart below shows program averages at DC Bilingual for the 2022-2023 school year, based on observations of all eight of our PK classrooms.

DC Bilingual classrooms exceeded the OSSE ceiling (6) in the Emotional Support and Classroom Organization domains. DC Bilingual is excited to receive a significant increase in Instructional Support score, which increased nearly a point from 21-22 CLASS assessment. For more information about CLASS, read this resource.
Early childhood classrooms across the country have historically struggled to reach the target for the “Instructional Support” domain. We are excited to approach the target score (4) AND to see such substantial growth. For the 2022-2023 school year, DC Bilingual expanded Pre-K from 6 to 8 classrooms and implemented the new equitable access preference — a new enrollment preference favoring student applicants in foster care, experiencing homelessness, and/or receiving SNAP/TANF benefits. This is part of DC Bilingual's strong commitment to ensure our city’s most vulnerable students have access to high-quality, bilingual education. All in all, this assessment data reinforces that our school provides high quality bilingual PK programming for all students.
Please join us in congratulating the Pre-K teachers, ECE teachers, paraprofessionals, and specials teachers who were observed for this incredible achievement! Thank you to instructional leadership, particularly Ms. Catalina and Ms. Ina, for their concerted efforts to improve programming and provide coaching and relevant professional development throughout the year. And finally, a big thank you to Principal Eleni for being the visionary behind our high-quality Pre-K-through 2nd programming. We are lucky to have this great team. Olé!